Israel Kurdistan and ISIS
The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu few days ago
expressed his support for the creation of a fully Independent Kurdistan in
Northern Iraq. It is said that before the statement of Netanyahu, some Israeli cabinet ministers met Kurdish leaders.
After the meeting, Mr.Netanyahu openly favored the creation of Kurdish
statehood in northern Iraq by saying “ We should support the Kurdish aspiration
for independence, Kurds is a nation of fighters who have proved political
commitment and are worthy of independence”. There can be sundry reasons for
Isreali PM Support for Free Kurdistan.
The prime factor might be the rise of Sunni militant
organization ISIS in Iraq, which has flabbergasted many by their fighting strength.
They are fighting with the ambition to capture whole Iraq and if they do so,
then Israel has reasons to worry. It is already not short of perilous foes like
Syria, Iran, HAMAS and Hezbullah. The victory of ISIS, which believe in the
caliphate system, will create another rival for Israel. With coming of ISIS in
power in Iraq, it can become the base for Al-Qaeda fighters who can any time
turn their guns against the Israel.
The secular sovereign Kurdistan is the only hope for Israel to
contain the influence of ISIS. Kurd is a martial race and they have a long
history of fighting much stronger opponents. In the medieval period, ,they have
resisted all the foreign invasion and fought mighty imperial powers .Over the
years, they have been courageously fighting against the powerful states like
Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq. These states have resorted to brutal use to use
of force to suppress the Kurdish movement, but they have failed to do so. Not
surprisingly, they are now battling and resisting the militants of ISIS.
Many believe that the motive behind the Israel’s support of
Free Kurdistan is to find a ally in the region. But, the alliance of Kurds and
Jews is centuries old. During the reign of Ottoman Empire, they had cordial
relations. The Ottoman Empire always used the Jews to meditate between ottoman
rulers and insurgent tribal Kurds. This symbolizes the trust between them. Iran
and Syria have accused the president of Iraqi Kurdistan of having contact with
Israel and Mr Masood.Barzani, the President
of Iraqi Kurdistan didn’t denied it he said” establishing relations between
Kurds and Israel is not a crime since many Arab countries have ties with the
Jewish state.”
Apart from political alliance, there is also a genetic bond
between Kurds and Jews A team of German ,Indian and Israeli specialists published
the result of their research that proved Kurds and Jews belong to the same
ethnicity . Thus, the alliance of Israel and Kurds is not a new phenomenon, it
is a old one. However, Mr. Netanyahu will be criticized for his statement,
especially by those countries, whom, interests are contrary to the creation of
Independent Kurdistan like Turkey, Iran, Syria and even Pakistan.
Kurd is nation without a country. The land of Kurds is
divided into four countries, Turkey, Iran , Syria and Iraq. The Kurds of the four countries
never had harmonious relations with the governments of these countries. They
have never given up their dream of United or Greater Kurdistan, which comprises
the Kurdistan of all the four countries.
Turkey’s major concern about Independent Kurdistan in Iraq
will be that, it will motivate Kurds of Turkey. As the rebel Kurds of Turkey
will find safe havens in the Independent State and they will launch their
strike from there to Turkey. The Kurd uprising has already proved to be very
costly for Turkey. It has affected her tourism industry, owing to human right
abuses in Turkish Kurdistan, it has not been given the status of permanent
membership of European Union.
Iran and Syria have reservation on Free Kurdistan. The
liberal Sunni Kurds are living as second class citizen in a theocratic Shia
State Iran. The Kurds of Iran are hostile to the government and they have
carried out their armed resistance against the state forces. Iran fears that
Free Kurdistan can become a base for Irani Kurds. Syria also has the same
Last, but not least, the sole nuclear power of the Islamic
World, Pakistan will not like creation of Independent Kurdistan. There are two reasons
for this. Firstly, Pakistan has a history of supporting the governments against
the rebellion movements. For instance, supporting the Srilankan government in
crushing the menace of Tamil Tigers. It has always helped Middle Eastern
monarchs in suppressing the civil uprisings. Secondly, Pakistan worry that Free
Kurdistan can create more unrest in her restive province Balochistan. Baloch
are the first cousins of Kurds. Despite the fact that Balochs and Kurds live in
two different regions, the spirit of brotherhood exist between the two nations.
Historians of both the nations have kept alive the ethnic unity. Social Media
have brought them more closer. Balochs and Kurds have expressed solidarity with
one another through various sites on Social Media.
Pakistan will feel insecure that Free Kurdistan can become
the second home of Baloch separatists and they will find safe havens there. The
same concern will be share by Iran because Iranian Balochistan has been a
source of constant problems for the state, where groups like Jaish e Adl and
Jundullah have been involved in kidnapping and killing of State forces.
The statement of Israeli PM should be extolled on
humanitarian point of view because Kurds have been victim of barbaric use of
force in different countries. But, the Free Kurdistan only in northern Iraq is
not the final solution. Kurds of other three countries will again suffer from
brutal use of force. Free Kurdistan will create more anarchy and unrest in and
outside the region. The result will be more bloodshed and chaos. It is time for
the super powers like USA and UK and more importantly UN, to settle the long dispute
of Kurdistan in a peaceful way, which should be in accordance with the
International Law.