Monday, 13 October 2014

Rule of fools in Pakistan


 “Avoid the company of fools because from their mouths you will never hear the words of wisdom”. “It is better to weep with the wise rather to laugh with the fool”. A wise enemy is better than a stupid  friend. “The mistakes of fools are known to the world, but never revealed to him. The mistakes of the wise man are known to him, but not to the world,” these are the sayings of some wise experts about fools.

World is not short of stupid.  Search for one you will find many. In our everyday life, we all interact with them. There can be many idiots in the society where we live, we study and we work. The wise men are those who avoid their company because staying with them can be perilous for them. We can suffer from the silly mistakes they always make. Those who have fool friends might be well aware of the demerits of having a fool confidant. The prudent elders who once were victim of fools’ company transfer their experience to other people urging that never be friend with them, because their company is a waste of time and you will learn nothing from them except stupidity. Moreover, their friendship can be harmful to you and can land you in a big trouble.

It is easy for intelligent and smart to prevent friendship with fools who are living in their neighborhood, studying with them in class or working with them in offices. But, if someone has a blood relation with a fool than its gets difficult to abstain from them especially in the culture of joint family system where we live. How can we keep a distance from them as in a situation of living under one roof our success and failure get closely interrelated with them. Foolishness of a son will cause suffering for his father; similarly, a father will suffer if his son is a fool. For instance, Shahrukh Jatoi with his stupidity implicated his father in a terrible trouble when he shot dead Shahzaib Khan. Sikander Jatoi, father of killer, an affluent industrialist spent large sum of money to save his child from the law. A dunce brother will put the other brother in trouble. Take the example of Mughal Emperor Humayun who lost the throne of India not because of his rival, Sher Shah Suri, but by virtue of the follies of his own brother Kamran, who thought that Sher Shah after ousting his brother from the throne would make him sit on the throne. However, conversely he was the next to bear the brunt of Sher Shah’s aggression and he lost the wealthy province of Punjab and fled to Kabul.

Those who have fools in their homes are unlucky, but more unfortunate are those who have fool rulers in their country. Pakistan in its 67 years of history never cherished a wise ruler. The change of government can be termed as change of fools, where one fool was replaced by another. As a result of their follies and unwise strategies, people are suffering from hunger, poverty, illiteracy, bomb blasts, terrorism, ethnic conflicts and sectarian violence.

One of the signs of fool is that they are always in problems and trouble. They can’t live a peaceful and tension free life and most of their problems are their self created. Pakistan since its creation has always been in problems which were created by itself. Like a responsible international state it has never adopted the policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of foreign countries. It has always muddled in the matters of other countries, it has always supported dictators in the Middle East,  it has continuously been interfering in the affair of its neighbors which has created many problems like four wars with India, hostility with Afghanistan and Iran. Due to unfriendly eastern and western borders, it decided to nurture, feed and breed jihadists and export it to foreign countries, but now it is facing Jihad in its own territory, it made nuclear weapons for its defense, but now it is facing problems in defending the nuclear weapons from Talibans.

It has not merely created foes in the international world, but it has created enemies inside its territory as well. Owing to stupid policies, It is facing a freedom movement in its largest province Balochistan which covers 44 percent of its land. It has deployed more than 0.2 million army in Balochistan, but still unable to crush the rebellion spanning over 10 years long.

Another symptom of fool is that it he never learn from their mistakes and keep on repeating their blunders again and again.  The brutal use of force against Bengalis resulted in the chopping off of the country in 1971 which is now Bangladesh . What lesson they learnt from this catastrophic humiliation?  And answer is that nothing, because only wise learn from their mistakes, not fools. The atrocities which were committed in Bangladesh are being replicated again in Balochistan. It is said that giving advice to a fool is like giving medicine to a dead body. Fools don’t like the words of wisdom.  They believe everything they do is right. When someone suggests them not to use force in Balochistan, the result of this might be same as that of Bangladesh. They say that Bangladesh’s case was quite different. We had no land routes to Bangladesh, it was surrounded by India from three sides and its population was 20 times bigger than Balochistan.

A major trait of the fools is that they blame others for their failures and never accept the responsibility of their failures. Pakistan after 67 years of independence is unable to stand on its feet and is dependent on foreign donors. Its economy is getting weaker day by day. Security conditions are getting worse. State can’t function even a year if foreign donation halts. Who is responsible for the culture of dependency, economic crisis and deteriorating law and order situation? Instead of accepting their short comings they blame others. Economic crisis is due to America’s war on terrorism. America has given only 25bn dollar as coalition support fund, whereas we have spent more than 80bn dollar.  Due to someone else’s war there are suicide attacks and forces in large number are deployed in different areas to stop it. But, reality is that war on terrorism is confined only to KPK. There are other problems as well.  Who is responsible for sectarian violence, every now and then there is a bomb blasts which take lives of numerous civilians. This sectarianism is not spread by America; but it is a proxy war of two of the beloved Islamic states of Pakistan, One is Iran and other is Saudi Arabia. The economic hub of the country Karachi is burning because of ethnic conflict not due to war on terrorism, but because of militant wings of political parties. Good amount of forces are stationed in Karachi because of the ethnic conflicts and sectarianism, is it America’s duty to pay them?  More than 0.2 million army is deployed in Balochistan to curb the insurgency. This huge deployment of forces has exhausted the treasury. It is not America’s responsibility to pay for deploying troops in Balochistan because this insurgency is not the byproduct of War on terrorism.

It is said about fools that they can be never successful and the main obstacle between fools and their success is their foolishness. Like AIDS, foolishness is incurable. It is bound to spread and have no mechanism to be curbed. Those who think that Pakistan one day will be a successful state, live in the paradise of fools. To be a successful state, establishment has to change its mindset; country cannot become a prosperous and peaceful state with this attitude. The ongoing drama of Imran khan and Tahir-ul-Qadiri and the response of Nawaz government in handling this issue again symbolize that Pakistan is being ruled by fools. Both the leaders Khan and Qadiri are talking of a revolution. But sense will prevail only by bringing revolution into the mindset. That is the area where revolution is needed hardly.






Sunday, 24 August 2014

پارلیمنٹ سیاسی بحران کا حل تلاش کرے

ملک ایک سیاسی بحران کا شکار ہے ۔17جون کو ماڈل ٹاﺅن میں پولیس آپریشن کے نتیجے میں 14پاکستانی شہریوں کی ہلاکت اور 90 افراد کے زخمی ہونے کے بعد نئے سیاسی حالات نے جنم لیا ۔دوسری جانب ووٹوں کی دوبارہ گنتی کا مطالبہ بڑھ کر بحران کی شکل اختیار کر چکا ہے ۔ دونوں معاملات نے ملک ، جمہوریت اور آئین کو آزمائش میں ڈال دیا ہے ۔اس کے ساتھ ہی معیشت پر منفی اثرات مرتب ہونا شروع ہو گئے ہیں ۔غیر ملکی سربراہان اپنے طے شدہ دورے منسوخ کر رہے ہیں ۔وزیر مملکت اور چیئرمین نجکاری کمیشن محمد زبیر نے کہا ہے کہ اسلام آباد میںدھرنوں اور احتجاج کے نتیجے میںاس بات کا خدشہ ہے کہ سرمایہ کاری کے اہداف پورے نہ ہو سکیں ۔انہوں نے کہا کہ غیرملکی اور ملکی سرمایہ کار بنگلہ دیش کو ترجیح دینے لگے ہیں ۔
یہ صورت حال ہر گزرتے دن کے ساتھ مزید پیچیدہ ہوتی جا رہی ہے ۔عوام افسوس اور کھ سے اس بحران کو شدید سے شدید تر ہوتا دیکھ رہے ہیں ۔زیادہ افسوسناک پارلیمنٹ کا رویہ ہے جو اس بحران کا حل تلاش کرنے کی بجائے صرف قرار دادیں پاس کرنے میں مصروف ہے ۔اراکین پارلیمنٹ ملک اور قوم کو اس بحران سے نکلنے کا کوئی راستہ فراہم کرنے کی بجائے پی ٹی آئی اور پی اے ٹی کی قیادت پر الزامات لگانے اورانہیں مطعون کرنے کے علاوہ کچھ نہیں کر رہے ۔سوال یہ ہے کہ پارلیمنٹ اگر ملک کو سیاسی بحران سے نبرد آزما ہونے کاکوئی فارمولا نہیں دے سکتی ،تو اس کی افادیت کے بارے میں سوال پیدا ہونا فطری امر ہوگا ۔ پہلا سوال یہ ہے کہ چار حلقوں میں ووٹوں کی دوبارہ گنتی کو پارلیمنٹ نے سنجیدگی سے کیوں نہیں دیکھا ؟حکومت نے اگر ٹال مٹول کی پالیسی اختیار کی تو اپوزیشن نے ذمہ داری سے اس معاملے کو پارلیمنٹ میں کیوں نہیں اٹھایا ؟اگر موجودہ قوانین میں تبدیلی کی ضرورت تھی تو یہ تبدیلی بروقت کیوں نہیں کی گئی ؟بات بگڑنے سے پہلے اس کا حل کیوں تلاش نہیںکیا گیا ؟دھرنوں کی نوبت کیوں آنے دی گئی ؟جماعت اسلامی اور پی پی پی نے اپنی حیثیت میں جو کچھ کیا اس کا کریڈٹ پارلیمنٹ کو نہیں دیا جاسکتا ۔ اس بحران کو حل کرنے کے حوالے سے پارلیمنٹ کی کارکردگی نہ ہونے کے برابر ہے ۔ یہی اس ملک کا سب سے بڑا بحران ہے ۔
عام آدمی جمہوریت اور آئین کے ساتھ کھڑا ہے ،لیکن حکومت اور پارلیمنٹ کا رویہ اس کے برعکس ہے ۔حکمراں جماعت کے کارکن بار باردھرنے میں شریک دونوں جماعتوں کی قیادت کی رہائش گاہوں پر پتھراﺅ کرتے دکھائی دیتے ہیں ۔شاہ محمود قریشی اور ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری کی رہائش گاہوں کے حوالے سے یہ شکایت سامنے آئی ہے ۔اس قسم کا رویہ حکومت کو نئی مشکلات سے دوچار کر رہا ہے ۔
دھرنا دینے والے تمام مشکلات کے باوجود ، جن میں موسم کی شدت بھی شامل ہے ، اپنے مقاصد کے حصول کے لئے ڈٹے ہوئے ہیں ۔ایسا ملکی تاریخ میں پہلی مرتبہ دیکھنے کو ملا ہے ۔عورتیں ،بچے ، لڑکیاں ، اور بوڑھے اس دھرنے میں ایک ہفتہ گزرنے کے بعد بھی پر عزم نظر آتے ہیں ۔اسے حکومت سنجیدگی سے نہیں لے گی تو صورت حال میں تناﺅ پیدا ہوگا ۔پر امن ہجوم مشتعل ہوسکتا ہے ۔مشتعل ہجوم پر انتظامی قوت سے قابوپانا مشکل تر ہو جائے گا ۔حکومت کسی تصادم کی متحمل نہیں ہو سکتی ۔پارلیمنٹ آگے بڑھے ، سیاسی بصیرت کا ثبوت دے ، اس بحران کا دانشمندانہ حل تلاش کرے ۔آنکھیں بند کر کے انہونی کا انتظار نہ کیا جائے ۔قرار دادوں پر تکیہ نہ کیا جائے ، قانون سازی کی جائے جو وقت کی ضرورت ہے ۔ورنہ کچھ بھی ہو سکتا ہے ،کھیل ختم ہونے کا اندیشہ سب کو لا حق ہے،اس سے بچنے کی تدبیرکی جائے ۔ 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

ویژن 2025 ،غیر یقینی سیاسی حالات میں

آج مسلم لیگ ن کی حکومت نے ملک کے مستقبل کے حوالے سے معاشی منصوبے کا اعلان کیا ہے جس میں یہ طے کیا گیا کہ ملک کی برآمدات کو 150 ارب ڈالر تک پہنچایا جائے گا ۔ حکومت کا کہنا ہے جب تک قوم اپنے اہداف متعین نہیں کرتی ، اس وقت تک ترقی کا سفر شروع نہیں ہوتا ۔یہ ہدف حاصل کرنے کے لئے حکومت نے تمام ریاستی اداروں اور قوم کونعرہ بھی دیا ہے کہ ان اہداف کا حصول تبھی ممکن ہے جب سب ایک نئے جوش اور ولولے کے ساتھ ملک کی ترقی کے لئے اپنی تمام تر صلاحیتوں کو بروئے کار لائیں ۔
وفاقی وزیر برائے منصوبہ بندی احسن اقبال نے بتایا کہ پاکستان کی موجودہ شناخت دہشت گردی بن چکی ہے ،اس شناخت کو تبدیل کرنا ہے ۔پاکستان کی مصنوعات کو اپنے برانڈ کے طور پر پیش کیا جائے گا ۔یہ برانڈڈ مصنوعات اپنے معیار اور افادی کے اعتبار سے ایک جانب ملک کے لئے قیمتی زر مبادلہ میں اضافہ کا سبب بنیں گی اور دوسری جانب ملک کے لئے نیک نامی کا ذریعہ بھی ۔انہوںنے کہا کہ پاکستان میں ٹیلنٹ کی کمی نہیں ہے ، جب کوئی طالب علم فیصلہ کر لیتا ہے کہ اس نے عالمی ریکارڈ قائم کرنا ہے تو دنیا اس کی شاندار کارکردگی پر حیران و ششدر رہ جاتی ہے ۔پاکستانیوں کی بڑی تعداد یورپ ، امریکا ، برطانیہ اور عرب ریاستوں میں نمایاں کارکردگی کا مظاہرہ کرکے ایوارڈ حاصل کر رہ ہیں ۔حکومت ان سے درخواست کرے گی کہ وہ ملک کو اپنی خدمات پیش کریں ، حکومت ان کی خدمات سے استفادہ کرے گی ۔
اس کے علاوہ انہوں یہ دعویٰ بھی کیا کہ وہ ملک کو قرضوں کی بنیاد پر ترقی دینے کی بجائے چاہتی ہے کہ پاکستان اپنے وسائل کے بل پر ترقی کرے ۔پاکستان کے پاس وسائل موجود ہیں ۔ کمی وسائل کی نہیں ہے ،کمی جذبے کی ہے ۔بجلی کے بحران پر تین ، چار سال میں قابو پا لیا جائے گا ۔ چین کی مدد سے لگائے جانے والے منصوبوں کی تکمیل پر 10 ہزار میگا واٹ بجلی دستیاب ہوگی ۔زراعت کے شعبے میں پیداواری استعداد بڑھانے کی بڑی گنجائش ہے ۔آج پاکستان اس شعبے سے صرف 35 فی صد پیداوار حاصل کر رہا ہے ۔ اگر اسے دوگنا کر دیا جائے تو کثیر زر مبادلہ یہ شعبہ فراہم کر سکتا ہے ۔
ان کی تقریر اور دعوے اپنی جگہ حقیقت پر مبنی ہیں ۔لیکن اس میں متعدد بار لفظ ۔۔اگر۔۔ استعمال ہوا ہے ۔اتنے اگر کی تکمیل اور 2025 آنے میں طویل فاصلہ ہے ۔لوگ تو چائے کا کپ ٹیبل پر آنے کے بعد بھی یقین نہیں کرتے کہ وہ چائے پی سکیں گے ۔ان کی زبان پر یہ کہاوت ہوتی ہے :کپ اور ہونٹوں کے درمیان بھی فاصلہ ہے ۔
وہ کپ اور ہونٹوں کے فاصلے کی موجودگی کو بھی اہمیت دیتے ہیں ۔جبکہ ویژن 2025 کو آنے کے لئے 11سال کا طویل وقفہ عبور کرنا ہے ۔یہ بت مایوسی پھیلانے کے لئے نہیں کی جارہی ۔ایسے متعدد ویژن تاریخ کے کوڑے دان پر پڑے ملیں گے ۔ان ویژن پیش کرنے والوں نے بھی اسی قسم کے جذباتی نعرے وضع کئے تھے ۔وہ بھی پاکستان کو ایشین ٹائیگر بنانے کا دعویٰ کیا کرتے تھے ۔بلکہ خود میاں نواز شریف بھی یہ دعویٰ کرتے سنے گئے ہیں ۔
سچ یہ ہے کہ پاکستان میں بجلی ، گیس اور پانی شدید قلت ہے۔ صنعت اور زراعت دونوں مشکلات کا شکار ہیں ۔ڈیم بنانے کی بجائے سڑکیں بنائی جاتی رہی ہیں ، اور آج بھی یہی کام زورو شور سے کیا جا رہا ہے ۔بھاشا ڈیم کی تعمیرالتواءمیں ڈال کر داسو ڈیم کے کھلونے سے دل بہلایا جا رہا ہے ۔نجکاری کا عمل ایک ہی پارٹی کو چار منصوبے فروخت کرنے کی بناءپر مشکوک دکھائی دیتا ہے ۔14 گست کو اپوزیشن اسلام آباد پر یلغار کرنے کا ارادہ رکھتی ہے ۔ویژن کا کیا بھروسہ؟ 

Sunday, 10 August 2014

عمران خان بالغ نظری کا مظاہرہ کریں 

وزیر اعظم پاکستان محمد نواز شریف نے قومی سلامتی کانفرنس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے ملک میں پیدا سیاسی کشیدگی کو ختم کرنے کے لئے کہا ہے کہ جماعت اسلامی کے امیر سراج الحق کے ذریعے ہمیں بتایا گیا ہے کہ عمران خان چاہتے ہیں کہ 10انتخابی حلقوں میںووٹوں کی دوبارہ گنتی کرا دی جائے تو وہ 14 اگست کا آزادی مارچ ختم کر دیں گے ۔انہوں نے اس کے جواب میں کہا کہ ہم اس پر بات کرنے کے لئے تیار ہیں اور اگر کسی وجہ سے عمران خان ان سے ملاقات کے لئے نہیں آسکتے تو وہ خود ان سے ملاقات کرنے جہاں چاہیں چلے جائیں گے ۔انہوں نے کہا کہ ملک اور قوم کے مفاد میں انا کا مسئلہ نہیں ہوتا ۔ سراج الحق اس وقت کانفرنس میں موجود تھے ، اس لئے وزیر اعظم کی جانب سے کئے جانے والا دعویٰ کو درست سمجھا جانا چاہیئے ۔اور اسے حکومتی رویہ میں لچک کے طور پر دیکھنے کی ضرورت ہے ۔
اب گیند عمران خان کی کورٹ میں ہے ۔اول تو انہیں قومی سلامتی کانفرنس میں شرکت سے انکار نہیں کرنا چاہیئے تھا ۔سیاست میں مل بیٹھنے کے مواقع آئیں تو ان سے فائدہ اٹھایا جاتا ہے ۔یہ مقام اور موقع عمران خان کے لئے ایک باوقار تقریب تھی جہاں دیگر سیاسی قائدین بھی موجود تھے اور فوجی قیادت بھی براہ راست گفت و شنید کے لئے دستیاب تھی ۔سب مل کر شکایات کے حوالے سے فریقین کا موقف سنتے اور کوئی مناسب حل بھی نکالا جاسکتا تھا ۔شرکت نہ کرنے کی وجہ شائد یہ رہی ہو کہ اس کانفرنس میں صرف شمالی وزیرستان میں جاری آپریشن کے سلسلے میں بریفنگ متوقع تھی ،جس سے خیبر پختونخوا کی استطاعت سے وہ پہلے ہی باخبر ہیں ۔تاہم حقیقت یہی ہے کہ ایک اچھا موقع انہوں نے گنوا دیا ۔یہ بھی ممکن ہے کہ وزیر اعظم نے عمران خان کی عدم موجودگی سے سیاسی فائدہ اٹھایا ہو ، اور ایسا کرنا ان کی سیاسی بصیرت کا تقاضہ بھی تھا ۔
عمران خان کی توقع کے برعکس وزیر اعظم نے 14 اگست کے آزادی مارچ پر بڑے سلیقے سے بات کی ۔ان کا یہ کہنا اپنی جگہ وزن رکھتا ہے کہ اس قسم کے لانگ مارچ یا احتجاجی مظاہروں کی ضرورت الیکشن سے سال ڈیڑھ سال پہلے ہوا کرتی ہے ۔جبکہ ابھی اس میں کافی وقت باقی ہے ۔ اب عمران خان کو چاہیئے کہ انا کے خول سے باہر نکلیں اور وزیراعظم محمد نواز شریف کو ملاقات کا وقت دیں ۔اسلام آباد کے ڈی چوک پر جو کچھ کہنا ہے ،وہ سب کچھ اس ملاقات میں کہہ دیں ۔زیادہ مناسب ہوگا کہ اس ملاقات میں جماعت اسلامی کے امیر سراج الحق بھی موجود ہوں ، کیونکہ یہ ملاقات ان کی سنجیدہ اور مسلسل کوششوں کا نتیجہ ہے ۔ورنہ دوسری سیاسی قیادت وکٹ کے دونوں طرف کھیل رہی ہیں ۔
تاریخ معاملات کو باوقار انداز میں حل کرنے کا موقع دے تو اسے ضائع نہ کیا جائے ۔اس سے استفادہ کیا جائے ۔پی ٹی آئی کی کور کمیٹی کا اجلاس بلائیں ،اپنے ساتھیوں سے مشاورت کریں ، اور وزیر اعظم کی پیشکش کا مثبت جواب دیں ۔سیاسی تدبر کا مظاہرہ کیا جائے ۔جو کام سڑکوں پر پولیس اور دوسرے اداروں سے ڈنڈے ، گولیاں اور آنسو گیس کے گولے کھائے بغیر ہو سکتا ہے ، اسے جان بوجھ کر بدمزگی سے دوچار کرنا اچھے سیاستدان کا اقدام نہیں کہا جا سکتا ۔اس پیشکش کا مثبت جواب عمران خان اور پی ٹی آئی کے مستقبل پر بہتر اثرات مرتب کرنے کا باعث ہوگا ۔ابھی انہیں اور ان کی پارٹی کو طویل مسافت طے کرنا ہے ۔لمبی دوڑ میں شروع سے ہی تیز دوڑنے والے آخری چکر میں اپنا اسٹیمنا برقرار نہیں رکھ سکتے ۔یاد رکھیں اچھے بیٹسمین کی حیثیت سے وہ ہر بال نہ کھیلیں ، لوز بال کا انتظار کریں۔ملاقات سے انکار درست نہیں ۔

Thursday, 7 August 2014

آزادی مارچ اور حکومت کا مستقبل

وزےراعظم نواز شرےف نے کہا ہے کہ ان کی حکومت کو کسی لانگ مارچ سے کوئی خطرہ نہےںہے۔اس کے ساتھ ہی اپوزےشن جماعتوں سے اپےل کی ہے کہ اس کشتی کو نہ ڈبو ئےں جس پر سب سوار ہےں۔ان کے بےان مےں احتجاجی مارچوں کے دباو ¿ اور حکومت کی خوفزدگی نما ےاں ہے۔دوسری جانب تحر ےک انصاف کے سر براہ عمران خان نے اعلان کےا ہے کہ وہ بادشاہت ختم کر نے اسلام آباد جا رہے ہےںاور نئے پاکستان کے بننے تک اپنادھرنا جا ری رکھےں گے۔وفا قی وزےر اطلاعات پروےز رشےد کا کہنا ہے کہ اگر14اگست کو آزادی مارچ کے موقع پر دہشت گردی ہوئی تو زمہ دار تحر ےک انصاف ہوگی۔ جبکہ تحر ےک انصاف کے رہنما شاہ محمود قر ےشی کا کہنا ہے کہ کسی نا خو شگوار واقعہ کی صورت مےں زمہ داری حکومت پر عا ئد ہوگی،عوامی مسلم لےگ کے واحد رکن قومی اسمبلی شےخ رشےد کا دعو یٰ ہے کہ آزادی مارچ کی نوبت ہی نہےں آ ئے گی اور14اگست سے قبل ہی تبد ےلی ہو جا ئے گی۔پروےز مشر ف پر آئےن شکنی کے مقد مہ کی سماعت پےر کو ہو رہی ہے۔بعض حلقوں کا خےال ہے کہ اگر حکومت سےاسی درجہ حرارت مےں فوری طور پر کمی لانا چا ہتی ہے توا سے14اگست سے پہلے کم از کم پر وےز مشرف کو ملک سے باہر جانے کی اجازت دےنی ہو گی۔پےر کوان کے مقدمہ کی سماعت کے دوران ےا اس کے بعد صورتحال مےں تبد ےلی کا اشارہ مل سکتا ہے۔حکومت نے وفاقی دارالحکومت تےن ماہ کے لئے آ رٹےکل245کے تحت فوج کے حوالے کر نے کا فےصلہ کر رکھا ہے۔ لےکن اس فےصلے پر عملدرآمد اور حکومت کے مفاد مےں نتائج برآمد کر نے کے لئے پاک فوج کا تعاون اہمےت کا حامل ہے۔پاکستان کی تارےخ مےں سول ملٹری تعلقات مےں مسلسل موجود عدم توازن کے پےش نظر کہا جا سکتا ہے کہ حکومت کو فوج کے ساتھ تعلقات کو بہتر بنا نے پر توجہ دےنی ہوگی اوراس مقصد کے لئے پر وےز مشرف کے مقد مے اور جےو‘ آئی اےس آئی تنازعہ مےںحکومت کی پوزےشن کی تبد ےلی اولےن شر ط ہے۔ دےکھنا ےہ ہے کہ نواز شر ےف صورتحال کی کشےد گی کم کر نے اور سےاسی قا ئدےن سے نمٹنے کے لئے فوج کو ساتھ ملانے مےں کامےاب ہو تے ہےں ےا نہےں۔ اگر شر ےف برادران نے ماضی کی طرح ہٹ دھر می کا روےہ بر قرار رکھا اور فوج کو بھی سو ےلےن اداروں کی طرح استعمال کر نے کی روش تبد ےل نہ کی تو245کے نفاد کے نتا ئج اس طر ح نکلنے کا خطرہ موجود رہے گا جس طرح ماضی مےں سامنے آتا رہا ہے۔ جمہوری عمل کا دفاع کر نے کے لئے جمہوری قا ئدےن کو با لغ نظری اور سنجےدگی کا مظا ہر ہ کر نا ہوگا۔

Monday, 4 August 2014

حکومت شائد آنے والے دنوں کو آسان لے رہی ہے 

حکومت نے ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری کے خطاب اور یوم شہداءکے اعلان کے چند سیکنڈ کے اندر جس رد عمل کا اظہار کیا ہے اسے دیکھ کر یہی لگتا ہے کہ حکومت آنے والے دنوں کو آسان سمجھ رہی ہے اور اسے یقین ہے کہ یہ احتجاج اس کا کچھ نہیں بگاڑ سکتا ۔عین ممکن ہے کہ اس کومشیروں کی جانب سے ڈٹے رہنے کا مشورہ دیا گیا ہو ، یہ الفاظ پرویز رشید اپنی ذاتی حیثیت میں استعمال نہیں کر سکتے تھے ۔انہوں نے جو کچھ کہا ہے وہ حکومت کی سوچ کی ترجمانی کے سوا کچھ نہیں ۔تاہم عام آدمی کوبیان سے مایوسی ہوئی ۔عام آدمی کا خیال تھا کہ تیسری مرتبہ وزارت عظمیٰ کے منصب تک پہنچنے سے پہلے وزیر اعظم محمد نواز شریف نے مکمل ہوم ورک کیا ہوگا ۔دو مرتبہ حکومت کی قبل از وقت برطرفی سے کچھ نہ کچھ سبق ضرور سیکھا ہو گا ۔لیکن سیاسی معاملات میں مسلسل ٹال مٹول سے کام لیا گیا اور تاخیری حربے اختیار کئے گئے انہیں دیکھنے کے بعد عام آدمی یہی نتیجہ اخذ کرتا ہے کہ حکومت کی سوئی 1998پر اٹکی ہوئی ہے ۔
انتخابات کے فوری بعد ملک کی تمام پارٹیوں نے انتخابات کے حوالے سے عدم اطمینان کا اظہار کیا تھا ۔دھاندلی کی شکایات ہر پارٹی نے کیں ۔اس میں خود مسلم لیگ ن بھی شامل تھی ۔پاکستان تحریک انصاف نے کراچی میں جن حلقوں میں ووٹوں کی دوبارہ گنتی کرائی وہاں حیران کن انکشافات ہوئے ۔ایک وسیم نامی شخص کے بارے میں کہا گیا کہ اس نے 70ووٹ ڈالے ہیں ۔ سینکڑوں ووٹرز ایسے نکلے جو اس حلقے میں نہیں رہتے تھے ۔دھاندلی کے اتنے بڑے شواہد سامنے آنے کے بعد الیکشن کمیشن کی جانب سے ذمہ داران کے خلاف سرے سے کوئی کارروائی نہیں کی ۔کسی عہدیدار کو رسمی شوکاز نوٹس تک جاری نہیں کیا گیا ۔اس خاموشی کے صرف ایک ہی معنی ہو سکتا ہے کہ حکومت دھاندلی کے نتیجے میں وجود میں آئی ہے ۔اسی لئے دھاندلی کے شواہد سامنے آجانے کے بعد کسی کے خلاف قانون حرکت میں نہیں آیا ۔اھر پی ٹی آئی نے لاہور کے چار انتخابی حلقوں میںووٹوں کی دوبارہ گنتی پر اصرار کیا تو حکومت نے ایوان کے معزز فلور پر نہ صرف مذکورہ چار حلقوں میں دوبارہ گنتی کی یقین دہانی کرائی بلکہ یہ بھی کہا کہ 40حلقوں میں تحقیقات کے لئے تیار ہے ۔لیکن یہ یہ محض لفاظی تھی ،حکمت اس اقداسم کے لئےذہنی طور پر کبھی تیار نہیں تھی ۔اسکا نتیجہ یہی نکل سکتا تھا کہ حکومت وقت گذرنے کے عاتھ دفاعی پوزیشن پر چلی جائے ۔اس دوران لاہور میں 14افراد کی پولیس کے ہاتھوں ہلاکت اور 100کے لگ بھگ زخمی ہونے سے سیاسی ماحول میں زبردست کشیدگی پیدا ہو گئی ۔
اب دونوں معاملات یکجا ہو کر حکومت کے لئے ایک بڑا چیلنج بن چکے ہیں ۔حکومت کی جانب سے تا حال ایسا کوئی اشارہ نہیں ملا جسے بنیاد بنا کر عام آدمی یہ سوچے کہ حکومت بیچ کا کوئی راستہ نکالنے میں کامیاب ہو جائے گی ۔وفاقی وزیر اطلاعات پرویز رشید کے تازہ بیان کے بعد یہی نظر آ رہا ہے کہ حکومت نے سیاسی مسائل کو انتظامی طریقے سے حل کرنے کا تہیہ کیا ہوا ہے ۔ حالانکہ اسلام آباد میں پولیس کی پسپائی کے بعد حکومت عوامی ناراضگی دور کرنے کے لئے بہتر حکمت عملی اختیار کر سکتی تھی ۔اب بھی حکومت کے پاس ایک ہفتہ ہے ،سوچ سمجھ کر مناسب اقدامات کئے جائیں جن میں چارحلقوں کی دوبارہ گنتی اور واقعہ لاہور کی ایف آئی آر میں عملی پیش رفت شامل ہے ۔ سیاسی معاملات کا سیاسی حل تلاش کرنا چاہیے ، دوسرے راستے بند گلی کی جانب جاتے ہیں ۔

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Israel Kurdistan and ISIS

The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu few days ago expressed his support for the creation of a fully Independent Kurdistan in Northern Iraq. It is said that before the statement of Netanyahu, some  Israeli cabinet ministers met Kurdish leaders. After the meeting, Mr.Netanyahu openly favored the creation of Kurdish statehood in northern Iraq by saying “ We should support the Kurdish aspiration for independence, Kurds is a nation of fighters who have proved political commitment and are worthy of independence”. There can be sundry reasons for Isreali PM Support for Free Kurdistan.
The prime factor might be the rise of Sunni militant organization ISIS in Iraq, which has flabbergasted many by their fighting strength. They are fighting with the ambition to capture whole Iraq and if they do so, then Israel has reasons to worry. It is already not short of perilous foes like Syria, Iran, HAMAS and Hezbullah. The victory of ISIS, which believe in the caliphate system, will create another rival for Israel. With coming of ISIS in power in Iraq, it can become the base for Al-Qaeda fighters who can any time turn their guns against the Israel.
The secular sovereign Kurdistan is the only hope for Israel to contain the influence of ISIS. Kurd is a martial race and they have a long history of fighting much stronger opponents. In the medieval period, ,they have resisted all the foreign invasion and fought mighty imperial powers .Over the years, they have been courageously fighting against the powerful states like Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq. These states have resorted to brutal use to use of force to suppress the Kurdish movement, but they have failed to do so. Not surprisingly, they are now battling and resisting the militants of ISIS.
Many believe that the motive behind the Israel’s support of Free Kurdistan is to find a ally in the region. But, the alliance of Kurds and Jews is centuries old. During the reign of Ottoman Empire, they had cordial relations. The Ottoman Empire always used the Jews to meditate between ottoman rulers and insurgent tribal Kurds. This symbolizes the trust between them. Iran and Syria have accused the president of Iraqi Kurdistan of having contact with Israel and Mr Masood.Barzani, the  President of Iraqi Kurdistan didn’t denied it he said” establishing relations between Kurds and Israel is not a crime since many Arab countries have ties with the Jewish state.”
Apart from political alliance, there is also a genetic bond between Kurds and Jews A team of German ,Indian and Israeli specialists published the result of their research that proved Kurds and Jews belong to the same ethnicity . Thus, the alliance of Israel and Kurds is not a new phenomenon, it is a old one. However, Mr. Netanyahu will be criticized for his statement, especially by those countries, whom, interests are contrary to the creation of Independent Kurdistan like Turkey, Iran, Syria and even Pakistan.
Kurd is nation without a country. The land of Kurds is divided into four countries, Turkey, Iran , Syria  and Iraq. The Kurds of the four countries never had harmonious relations with the governments of these countries. They have never given up their dream of United or Greater Kurdistan, which comprises the Kurdistan of all the four countries.
Turkey’s major concern about Independent Kurdistan in Iraq will be that, it will motivate Kurds of Turkey. As the rebel Kurds of Turkey will find safe havens in the Independent State and they will launch their strike from there to Turkey. The Kurd uprising has already proved to be very costly for Turkey. It has affected her tourism industry, owing to human right abuses in Turkish Kurdistan, it has not been given the status of permanent membership of European Union.
Iran and Syria have reservation on Free Kurdistan. The liberal Sunni Kurds are living as second class citizen in a theocratic Shia State Iran. The Kurds of Iran are hostile to the government and they have carried out their armed resistance against the state forces. Iran fears that Free Kurdistan can become a base for Irani Kurds. Syria also has the same concern.
Last, but not least, the sole nuclear power of the Islamic World, Pakistan will not like creation of Independent Kurdistan. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, Pakistan has a history of supporting the governments against the rebellion movements. For instance, supporting the Srilankan government in crushing the menace of Tamil Tigers. It has always helped Middle Eastern monarchs in suppressing the civil uprisings. Secondly, Pakistan worry that Free Kurdistan can create more unrest in her restive province Balochistan. Baloch are the first cousins of Kurds. Despite the fact that Balochs and Kurds live in two different regions, the spirit of brotherhood exist between the two nations. Historians of both the nations have kept alive the ethnic unity. Social Media have brought them more closer. Balochs and Kurds have expressed solidarity with one another through various sites on Social Media.
Pakistan will feel insecure that Free Kurdistan can become the second home of Baloch separatists and they will find safe havens there. The same concern will be share by Iran because Iranian Balochistan has been a source of constant problems for the state, where groups like Jaish e Adl and Jundullah have been involved in kidnapping and killing of State forces.
The statement of Israeli PM should be extolled on humanitarian point of view because Kurds have been victim of barbaric use of force in different countries. But, the Free Kurdistan only in northern Iraq is not the final solution. Kurds of other three countries will again suffer from brutal use of force. Free Kurdistan will create more anarchy and unrest in and outside the region. The result will be more bloodshed and chaos. It is time for the super powers like USA and UK and more importantly UN, to settle the long dispute of Kurdistan in a peaceful way, which should be in accordance with the International Law.

Friday, 25 July 2014

ایسے بلدیاتی انتخابات کا کیا فائدہ ؟

بلوچستان میں بلدیاتی انتخابات کو ایک سال بیت چکا ، لیکن کسی بلدیاتی دفتر کا دروازہ نہیں کھلا ۔تالے لگے ہوئے ہیں ۔یہ اس امر کا منہ بولتا ثبوت ہے کہ بلدیاتی انتخابات کے بعد کسی کو ان تالوں کے حوالے سے کوئی دلچسپی نہیں ہے ۔پورے ملک میں بلدیاتی نظام سیاسی جماعتوں کی بے رخی کا شکار ہے ۔دوسرے صوبوں میں ابھی انتخابات کا مرحلہ بھی طے نہیں کیا جا سکا ۔عدلیہ کے بس میں جو کچھ تھا ، وہ کر چکی ۔لیکن صوبائی حکومتیں جیت گئیں ۔انتخابات نہ ہونے تھے ، نہ ہو سکے ۔بلوچستان کی حکومت نے ہمت کی اور انتخابات کرا دیئے ، جو ادھورے ثابت ہوئے ۔بلدیاتی نظام کا راستہ دوسرے طریقے سے روک دیا گیا ۔دلچسپ امر یہ ہے کہ کسی کو مورد الزام بھی نہیں ٹھہرایا جا سکتا۔تم قتل کو ہو کہ کرامات کرو ہو ، والی کیفیت ہے ۔جس ملک میں سیاست داں خود بلدیاتی اداروں کے مخالف ہوں ،انہوں نے کبھی بلدیاتی انتخابات نہیں کرائے ۔یہ تاریخی ریکارڈ صرف پاکستان کے سیاست دانوں نے قائم کیا ہے ۔ حالانکہ آئین میں یہ پابندی عائد کی گئی ہے ۔ جو صرف دکھانے کے کام آتی ہے ۔یہ سوال نیا نہیں کہ ہمارے سیاست دان بلدیاتی نظام کے مخالف کیوں ہیں ؟لیکن اس کا جواب ابھی تک سامنے نہیں آیا ۔یہ بحث ابھی سنجیدگی سے شروع ہی نہیں ہوئی ۔

عام آدمی کی رائے یہ ہے کہ بلدیاتی اداروں کے قیام سے اراکین اسمبلی کی چوہدراہٹ کو دھچکا لگتا ہے ۔عام آدمی گلی کی نالی پختہ کرانے کے لئے ان کا محتاج نہیں رہتا ۔ اس کے مسائل مقامی سطح پر حل ہونا شروع ہو جاتے ہیں ۔یہ بات اراکین اسمبلی کو پسند نہیں۔وہ عام آدمی کو دست بستہ اپنے دروازے کے سامنے کھڑا دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں ۔تاکہ ان کی انا کو قرار ملے ۔دوسری وجہ یہ سمجھی جاتی ہے کہ فنڈز کی خورد برد ان کے ہاتھ سے نکل جانے کا اندیشہ لاحق ہوتا ہے ۔سونے کی چڑیا اپنے ہاتھ سے کوئی نکلنے نہیں دے گا ۔فنڈز سے سب کو پیار ہے ۔بلدیاتی ادارے کام کرنا شروع کردیں تو یہ فنڈز علاقائی بلدیاتی نمائندوں کے ہاتھ سے یا ان کی نگرانی میں خرچ ہوں گے ۔اس طرح چوہدراہٹ کے ساتھ مالی منفعت سے بھی ہاتھ دھونا پڑتے ہیں ۔سابق حکومت اپنے پانچ سال اسی ٹال مٹول میں نکال گئی ، موجودہ حکومت بھی ایک سال دو مہینے نکالنے میں کامیاب رہی ہے ۔توقع کی جانی چاہیے کہ باقی مدت بھی اسی ٹال مٹول کی نذر ہو جائے گی ، بشرطیکہ کوئی انہونی نہ ہو گئی ۔
یہ محض بہانہ ہے کہ عدالت میں مقدمہ چل رہا ہے ۔اس لئے کہ فریقین اگر چاہیں تو مقدمہ کی سماعت تیزی سے ہو سکتی ہے ۔اس لئے کہ موجودہ عدالتی طریقہ کار کے مطابق تاریخ سماعت کا تعین دونوں طرف کے وکلاءکی باہمی رضامندی سے طے کیا جاتا ہے ۔اور ججز کی نوٹ شیٹ پر یہ لکھا جاتا ہے فریقین کی مشاورت سے سماعت آئند تاریخ تک ملتوی کر دی گئی ہے۔یہ جملہ ساری حقیقت کو بے نقاب کرنے کے لئے کافی ہے ۔اگر ایک فریق حکومت ہو تو تاخیری حربوں میں مزیدآسانی ہو جاتی ہے ۔سرکاری وکیل کے ٹھاٹ باٹ الگ ہوتے ہیں ۔اور کوئی بہانہ نہ ہوتو یہ بہانہ ہی کافی ہے کہ میں حکومت سے پوچھ کر بتاﺅں گا ۔
حکومت اپنی آئینی ذمہ داری پوری کرے ۔عدالت میں سرکاری وکیل کو اس امر کا پابند بنائے کہ وہ جلد فیصلہ کے حصول میں عدلیہ سے تعاون کرے۔بلدیاتی اداروں کو فنکشنل بنایا جائے تاکہ عام آدمی کو مقامی نوعیت کے مسائل سے نجات مل سکے ۔

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Boko Haram reached Balochistan

Boko means western education and Haram means prohibited. Thus, the meaning of Radical Islamic Organization of Nigeria is western education is prohibited in Islam. After the abduction of 200 girls, the militant organization has been on the spotlight of international and national media of Pakistan. But another Boko Haram which is active in Panjgur district of Balochistan is as usual is ignored by international as well as national media.

Panjur, the south western district of Balochistan bordering Iran is consider as the education hub of the province. Private schools of the backward area imparts premium modern education. English language centers prepare the student of this neglected region for international scholarships. Computer centers have equipped the youth with modern technology. The most impressive thing about this development is that, whatever population of Panjgur have achieved, it has been achieved by the efforts of their own efforts. They have not got the support of the government of Pakistan in creating these valuable education institutions.

Unfortunately, this development in the field of education is not liked by some small minded people. As a result, Tanzeem-ul-Islami- Furqan, hitherto, unknown organization has emerged out of nowhere and threatened the owner of private schools to stop giving vulgar western education to girls, which according to them is prohibited in Islam. In their point of view, it will augment the flow of western culture in their society. The baby organization, which one month before no one knew has become so powerful in short span of time that they not only threatened the propertiers of private schools, but also attack a Van which was carrying female students and ablaze the vehicle.

The motive of the militant definitely was to establish their fear in the hearts of people to stop sending their childrens to schools. As a reaction to this, masses of Panjgur have protested on streets demanding action of the government on Tanzeem- ul-Islami furqan and sent a clear message to the extremist that their unhealthy values will not be acceptable to them nor they will be intimidated by their violent activities.

The question which has puzzled many minds is that how these radical views have spread in the Baloch society which is known for its liberalism. According to Baloch armed resistance groups, Pakistani establishment is trying to spread radicalization in Baloch society to counter their national movement for Free Balochistan, which they claim has the support of the entire Baloch population. Whether the accusation are true or not, but the silence, negligence and unwillingness on the part of government to take action against the extremists is providing strength to these allegations.

If the allegations of Baloch separatists are right, then establishment is making a big mistake. Pakistan now days is in the grip of various problems and at this crucial moment it cannot afford this blunder.

Militant and wrong version of Islam has already made most of the population of the country mentally ill and superstitious. A sitting governor of Punjab Salman Taseer was assassinated by his own guard, Mumtaz Qadri. The reason for the murder of Mr.Taseer was that he spoke for a hapless Christian woman who was accused of Blasphemy. The violent act of Qadri made him a hero over night and people threw flower on him, when he arrived in the court for hearing. The judge who convicted Qadri had to flee from Pakistan to save his life. Fearing an attack from the supporters of Qadri’s ideology. In an similar instance, Rashid Rehman, a renowned social worker and a lawyer was killed, because he took a case of a minority teacher who was accused of Blasphemy by his right wing students. As a result, now no lawyer has the courage to take the case of the teacher, who is merely accused of Blasphemy and not proven guilty yet. This shows the level of intolerance in our society, Very rare journalist even write about these events, fearing they themselves might not be convicted in Blasphemy charges.

Pakistani establishment have used the religion for two reasons. One was to liberate Kashmir from India by using the Jihadis and other was to get strategic depth in Afghanistan, with a aim to increase the influence of Pakistan in the region. This tactic has so far proved to be a disaster for the state. The Kashmiri Jihadis are more influence by TTP rather than the establishment and they have joined hands with TTP in destabilizing Pakistan. Instead of fighting India, they are now targeting Pakistani forces and civilians. They have shattered the dream of liberation of Kashmir and strategic depth in Afghanistan. Pakistan now itself is facing problem is defending its own independence. Former chief of Army staff General Ashfaq Kayani himesl said” The biggest existential threat to Pakistan is now not external but internal. (Referring to TTP)”.

 The extremists have become too strong to be controlled by their masters. They are now demanding the abolishment of the constitution, which they termed as UnIslamic and should be replace by a shariah of their own brand. They are also interfering in  the foreign policy demanding to end the relation with non Muslim countries They have killed the high profile politicians of left wing political parties like ANP , PPP and MQM.

Their power can be judged from the fact that Prime Minister of the country cant speak a word to condemn their wild activities because he knows any hostility with them can result in their backlash in Punjab. The chairmen of the second largest political party of the country Imran Khan has become their spokesperson and have earned a title of Taliban Khan.

The extremists are not limited to FATA, they have spread in different parts of the country including in the commercial hub, well. Taking advantage of the lack of writ of the state they are involve in extortion activities and black mail the business community, who for sake of saving their life, pay huge sum of money to them. Entrepreneurs in large numbers have left the country and shifted their money to foreign countries which has feeble the country.

In short, it can be said that entire Pakistan from Khyber to Karachi is feeling the weight of Taliban’s arm except Balochistan which is indeed a blessing for the state.

The establishment should be aware if radicalization takes place in Balochistan, it will benefit only Taliban in the long run. The geography of Balochistan which comprise of mountains with natural caves to hide will suit the Taliban. As compared to FATA, Balochistan is a very vast land. Pangur district is even bigger than the entire FATA and Chaigai district is bigger than the whole KPK province. Its proximity with Afghanistan will provide Taliban with strategic depth. Biggest city of the country, Karachi is situated near Baloch coast that is the gate way of narco trade, which is premier and favorite business of Taliban and they will easily sell their product to middle east and west,which will make their financial position very sound.

The incumbent government should uplift the ban on YouTube and watch the videos where Taliban have several time offered the Baloch separatist to join hand with them to fight against a common foe. The Baloch insurgents so far have shown no interest in their offer, due to the disparity of the ideology of two groups. But, if people of Balochistan began to share their ideology, then the task of Taliban will accomplished very easily. Balochistan can prove to be a very handy place for Taliban and breeding of Global Terrorism. Pakistan is already a isolated state and with Talibanization in Balochistan , it will be further isolated in the international world.

The wise thing for the state should be to take stringent action against Tanzeem- ul-Islami furqan and fulfill her obligation to provide security to the citizen. If Balochistan comes under the grip of Talibanization, then it can prove to be the waterloo for Pakistan.



Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Modi's Challenges

The Indian election of 2014 has astounded many. The surprising thing was not that BJP defeated congress, experts long before elections predicted that this time it will be BJP sarkar and Narendra Modi will be the next Prime Minister. The surprise was the clean sweep of BJP. It is the worst defeat congress ever had its 128 years history.

BJP alone has won 283 out of 543; it required merely 272 seats to form its government in the centre, which means it will not require the support of any unruly coalition partner. It is a plus point for Modi, but still he will have to face problems of great magnitude.

Modi has been elected as Chief Minister of Gujarat for four consecutive times and unquestionably he has proved himself as an efficient administrator. But, this time the situation will be totally different. Being a PM of biggest democracy and second populous country of the world will be much more difficult than being a CM of Gujarat.

He will face internal as well as external challenges.

The internal challenge will be how will deal with the religious minorities. Arguably, he is not in the good list of minorities, especially the Muslims. The memories of communal riots of Gujarat (2002) are still fresh in the minds of liberal Indians. He has been blamed for the mass murder of more than one thousand Muslims. Though, he has denied all the charges but he has not expressed any regrets on the massacre of Muslims. He walked away from the program of Karan Thapar( a prominent Indian journalist) when Mr.Thapar  asked him why he didn’t expressed any regrets on the Gujarat riots.

To be a successful ruler, He has to change his radical views and image and has to become a moderate national leader. Success of his government banks heavily on interfaith harmony in India. A fanatic Hindu Modi will tarnish the soft image of India in the international world and it will also be contrary to the secular constitution of his country. He should work in the framework of his country’s constitution.

To adopt a conciliatory policy towards the minorities will not be easy for him. He will be pressurized by Hindu extremist organizations like Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP). Both these organizations are close ally of BJP and they are followers of the ideology of Nazism. They want to change India from a secular to Hindu state. Modi started his political career from the Platform of RSS. Modi will have a difficult choice whether to appease minorities or his allies like VHP and RSS. He has to display statesmanship qualities to deal with this situation.

Foreign policy regarding the neighboring countries will test his political maturity. Modi should be aware the cardinal reason of congress defeat is slow growth economy, job scarcity and inflation.  Any hostility with the neighbors will be too costly for him. It can be a stumbling block in the path of economic progress. Business community has invested heavily in Modi and enmity or war with neighbor will annoy the entrepreneurs. Any blunder from Modi can result in the exodus of foreign investors and general masses will again suffer from inflation and unemployment.

He should follow the policy of his predecessor Atal Bihari Vajpayee. During the Vajpayee’s tenure good relations between Pakistan and India was on its peak. Political Pandits are of the view that Modi is now a mature politician and he will follow Vajpayee regarding the foreign policy with Pakistan. But, how will he react if a incident like Mumbai take place. He castigated Ex PM Manmohan Singh for not reacting aggressively against Pakistan.

Modi will have no time for rest. America is withdrawing from Afghanistan latter this year. Among all his challenges, Afghanistan policy will be most formidable challenge for him. India’s major concern in Afghanistan is that if Taliban topple the Kabul regime after US departure, Pakistan again will get strategic depth in Afghanistan and it can export Jihadist to Kashmir and also in Internal India. If this happen, Taliban are able to recapture Kabul then it will be do or die situation for India. Modi will be in a dilemma whether to deploy or not Indian soldiers in Afghanistan in the wake of US withdrawn.

All these challenges will test the leadership capabilities of Modi, only time will tell whether he will overcome these hurdles or not.


Monday, 12 May 2014

Who is fuelling insurgency in Balochistan?

The fifth insurgency of Balochistan which started in 2006 in the ground of Dera Bugti has now spread in every nook and corner of the province. For eight long years, security forces have failed to crush Baloch Sarmachars (those Baloch who are ready to give their heads for Baloch cause). The question is why writ of government is declining and power of these insurgents is rising and more importantly who is fuelling these insurgents?

From the narrative of Pakistani Government, foreign countries especially India has been given the bulk of criticism. Apart from India, Afghanistan, Israel and occasionally America have also been blamed for creating unrest in Balochistan. Allegations are merely allegations unless they are proved.  So far Pakistani state hasn’t brought any substantial evidence against any of these countries. A common man is unable to comprehend why these foreign powers will support this insurgency.

The ground reality suggests that instead of foreign countries, people inside Pakistan are responsible for spreading insurgency in Balochistan. The question is who have neglected Balochistan and created sense of deprivation in the heart of Baloch people. Was it America India or Israel who have treated Balochistan as their colony and exploited its resources? It is negligence of Islamabad government which has deprived Baloch of their rights and few leaders accepted this by saying sorry to Baloch masses for their negligence.

The ongoing insurgency, which started in the wake of demise of Akbar Bugti and everyone, knows who assassinated him. He was not killed by any foreign troops, but by security forces of Pakistan. The assassination of a 80 years old Baloch leader aggravated the situation and fuelled the insurgency. The decision of murder of Akbar Bugti didn’t take place in New Delhi, Kabul or Washington rather it was made in Islamabad.  Veteran anchorperson, Kamran Khan was right when he said that “slain Akbar Bugti will be more dangerous than alive Akbar Bugti”.

The stupid Kill and dump has added oil to the fire. Owing to this high handedness policy, the hatred against Islamabad has increased among the general masses. This imprudent policy has convinced Baloch that they have no future in Pakistan and ideology of Baloch separatists’ fighters has gained strength.  This unwise strategy has convinced the hoi polloi that Sarmachars are fighting a just war with the occupying forces.

Policy makers are repeating the same mistakes and they are still fuelling the insurgency. On 18 April, 2014 Chairman of Baloch Student Organization (Azad) Zahid Baloch was abducted from Quetta and he is still missing. Those who are involved in his abduction should fathom that killing of Akbar Bugti, Balach Marri and Ghulam Muhammad Baloch have not suppressed the movement, so, will the picking and killing of Zahid Baloch will end their struggle? It will again fuel the insurgency.

In reaction of this incident, Latif Johar, a member of central committee of BSO(Azad) and who is just 23 years old is sitting on Hunger Strike till death since 22 April, 2014 demanding the release of his leader. The valor of the young boy should be extolled, but there are few chances that his demand will be fulfill. It seems the fate of Latif Johar will be same as that of Bobby Sands , who was the member of Irish Republican Army and died of a Hunger strike in a country which is considered the mother of democracy United Kingdom.  

The response of the government and so called national media to the peaceful protest of Latif Johar is the same. No minister neither from national nor provincial assembly has visited the hunger strike camp of Johar and mainstream media has given very little coverage. The health of Johar is deteriorating and it seems that he will die soon and with his demise the insurgency will be further fuelled.

 Before Latif Johar, Mama Qadeer walked 2500 Km as a protest to release missing persons, but not even a single person was released. Same will happen again with Johar’s protest. After his death Baloch people will contemplate that peaceful and democratic protest is futile in this undemocratic country. As a result more people will be influenced by the ideology of Baloch separatists that armed struggle is the only option in this state.

The elected PM Nawaz Sharif is powerless to do anything on this issue, but those who have power they could hear the voice of young Latif Johar, who said” I can’t kill or torture any one because my organization has taught me humanity but it is my right to do whatever I want to do with myself. I am torturing myself for the release of my leader”. But they will never hear him because humanity is a extinct word in their dictionary.








Sunday, 4 May 2014

Definition of a Traitor in Pakistan

Pakistani society is a divided and confused society. They are confused about everything. After 67 years of independence, general masses still wonder that creation of Pakistan was a right decision or not. Pakistan’s relation with America is as old as its creation, but still people are not sure whether US is our foe or confidant. There is perplexity regarding negotiating with Taliban. Moreover, there is also confusion on the definition of traitor in Pakistan.

As compared to civilized world, definition of a traitor is totally opposite in this bizarre country.

Anyone who says that Pakistan should be a welfare state rather than a security state. He is labeled as a traitor. A welfare state in which children should get free schooling, free health care facility for every person, salary for the jobless people. This idea of a welfare state which is according to the interest of common people but it is contradictory to the interest of a specific group and this group for the sake of protecting its own interest has termed the proponent of welfare state theory as traitor.

If someone talks about amiable relation with India, he also gets the certificate of a traitor. Bulk of the budget is spent on defense and reason given for this spending is hostile relations with India. Friendly relation with India will cut the defense budget and can be used for development projects which are so badly needed in this underdeveloped country. Apart from this, India is the second largest population of the world; even the super powers want the market access of India. Trade with the neighbor next door can boost the weak economy of Pakistan and it will bring prosperity for the people on both sides of the border, but normal relation with India will undermine the importance of a particular lobby. So, to show their significance among masses  they issue certificate of traitor to those who talk about friendly with India.

Demanding what is your constitutional right also comes in the category of a traitor. Going back to the history, Bengalis asked for their rights and they were declared as traitors and one million of them were butchered and it resulted in breakup of East Pakistan into Bangladesh. Baloch masses who since the inception of Pakistan have been demanding their just constitutional rights have been declared as enemy of the state and agent of RAW and MOSSAD.

Anyone who dares to speak for the religious minorities he is termed as a traitor. Pakistan which was created on the ideology of Islam and to speak for the minorities is against the ideology of this Islamic state.

These definitions of traitor fit well in the context of Hamid Mir. He always spoke for harmonious relation with India. He always gave fair coverage to Baloch missing person cases who are victim of hatred and brutalitay by the establishment. He raised his voice for Shia Hazara minority.

It seems that humanity is lost in the country of 200 million people. Hamid Mir who received six bullets and is in hospital fighting between life and death, his opponents have started their campaign against Mr. Mir on streets and social media. People are calling him as an Indian agent and spokesperson of Baloch Freedom Fighters.

It is common for the journalist and politicians belonging to smaller provinces to get the title of a traitor. Hamid Mir is the second Punjabi journalist who has got this title. The first Punjabi journalist who got the certificate of traitor was his father Late Waris Mir. Like his son Mr.Waris Mir also spoke for the oppressed nations and minorities. He warned that military operation in East Pakistan will break Pakistan. The authority concerned paid no heed to his judicious words and massacred innocent Bengalis and outcome of this atrocity was East Pakistan Debacle.

Those who were responsible for East Pakistan Debacle were held accountable but people like Mr. Waris Mir were given the blame for this catastrophe. Hamid Mir like his father has always warned the establishment that army operation in Balochistan will result in another East Pakistan Debacle. But, they have learnt nothing for their past follies.

Hamid Mir is very unfortunate because he belong to a country where people can’t differentiate between a traitors and patriots .Here those who abrogate constitution and derail the democracy are the sole patriots.



Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Demographic change in Balochistan and coming Tsunami

Ever since the inception of Pakistan, Balochistan has been the most turbulent province. It has witnessed five major military operations. The ongoing operation which started on 2006 and  was intensified after the demise of Nawab Akbar Bugti an influential tribal chief cum politician has been the deadliest of all operations.

As compared to past, Baloch sarmachars( Baloch guerillas) are now more organized and powerful. They have been successful in not allowing the Gwadar port (bone of contention between Islamabad and Baloch leaders) to be functional. Due to the fear of these insurgents, no entrepreneurs have shown any interest in vast resources of Balochistan because they fear that government will not be able provide security to them against Baloch insurgents.

In most parts of the Balochistan, especially in southern and central Balochistan, writ of the government does not exist. In schools no Pakistani anthem is sung and no Pakistani flag is hoisted.

To counter the Baloch sarmachars, established has resorted to various counter insurgency strategies like kill and dump policy, hiring local people and establishing their own death squads, to abduct people who are ideological proponents of sarmachars. But all these imprudent strategies have not resolved the issue rather it has added oil to the fire. Owing to these insane policies, gulf between Baloch masses and state has widened.

After failing to crush the Baloch insurgency, establishment has now opted for another dangerous strategy that is bring demographic changes in Balochistan and to prove that anti state Balochs are  minority in Balochistan, whereas, pro state Pashtoons are in majority. To achieve this goal, establishment is now importing Pashtoons from neighboring Afghanistan to settle in Balochistan.

As a result of this new strategy, millions of Afghan refugees have settled in Balochistan, especially in the Quetta city. Kharotabad, Pashtoonabad and western bypass are the areas where Afghan refugees are in majority. According to a survey, 50% of Quetta comprised of Afghan refugees. They don’t consider them as refugees, they have Pakistani passport, CNIC and have bought property in Quetta.

This unwise strategy will have grim and grave repercussions not only for Baloch insurgents, but for the Pakistani state as well. The immigrants will never be loyal to Pakistan; they will always remain loyal to their homeland Afghanistan. A visit of Liaqat Bazaar made me confused whether I am in Quetta or Kandahar. The Afghan refugees have put Afghanistan’s flags on the dash board of their cars and they have pasted sticker of Afghanistani flag on the windows of their cars.

A prominent leader of a Nationalist Pashtoon Party openly said that “those who call them refugees they are wrong, this is greater Afghanistan and a Pashtoon who travel from Quetta to Kandahar, he is not a refugee there, similarly a Pashtoon who travel from Kandahar to Quetta, he is not refugee here. Durand line, itself is an illegal border line and we don’t recognize it.” So, instead of countering Baloch insurgency, this import of refugees is reviving Pashtoon nationalism.

As compared to Baloch nationalism, Pashtoon nationalism will be far more dangerous for the state. In the Afghan refugees of Quetta, bulk of the population comprised of Afghan Taliban and in lexicon of Pakistani establishment they are called Good Taliban or Pro Pakistan Taliban and they have no nexus with Bad Taliban or Anti Pakistan Taliban.  But in real, there is no concept of Good or Bad Taliban. They are same, they share the same ideology, they have a same agenda to establish their hegemony in the region and to impose a shariah of their own brand and more importantly they belong to the same ethnic group.

According to the political pundits, after the departure of US, Taliban will easily conquer Kabul and Bad Taliban or TTP will find safe havens in Afghanistan and they will launch their attack in Pakistan from Afghanistan.  There will be a change in the attitude of Good Taliban after US drawdown and they will also become Bad Taliban.  They will join hands with TTP and they will start a Al-Qaeda version of Jihad in Pakistan.

 Unlike Baloch nationalism, Pashtoon nationalism can use the tool of Islam to capture whole Pakistan which means apart from Pashtoon Taliban, Punjabi Taliban, Lashkar e Jhangvi and other Islamic militant all over the world can come to join hands with them  and Pakistan’s chances of defeating these combine forces of Islamic extremists will be nil.

The result will be as that of a Tsunami.



Sunday, 16 February 2014

Say THANK YOU to a robber

I went to Karachi, last month to give an interview in the US Consulate. After giving my interview, I took an auto rickshaw to go back to my flat. But what happened next was something that I will remember all my life.

It was 8:45 a.m, when I was travelling in Boat Basin, when a boy of young age sitting on the back seat of a motor cycle was saying something to me. I wondered and asked him what happened and then he said give me the bag by showing me a pistol.

I fathom that the boy is a robber and trying to rob me. Although, I am not a typical Karachite, but I have spent substantial amount of time in Karachi during my college life. I was fully aware that street crimes in Karachi are quite common, but what really astound me was the timing and place where this incident took place.

The time was 8;45 which is a peak office hour and  during this time there is lot of traffic on the road due to office going people. It was not late 1 or 2 pm of night, yet the boy was so intrepid that he didn’t care about the rush and broad day light. Secondly, Boat Basin is a part of Clifton which is the  most salubrious area of Karachi and it is considered more impregnable area as compared to areas like lyari, korangi and landhi, but this didnot affect the valour of the juvenile boy. Moreover, our inefficient and feeble police system would have further emboldened him.

  I spoke to him and told him that there is nothing in the bag except my documents and at the same time, i opened the bag and showed him the documents and he replied by saying ‘ok”  and I wave my hand and said  Thank you to him.

The rikshaw driver was amused and chuckled and told me that what is making me laugh is that you said Thank you to a burglar. I told him that there are sundry reasons for me to be thankful to him. My bag contained numerous important documents like my National Identity Card, Visa form, Academic and other supporting documents needed for the visa to be accepted.

If the criminal had snatched the bag, I would have lost all the documents. My trip to America was surely cancelled but my All Pakistan trip was confirmed. As I have given my matriculation from Rawalpindi board, intermediate from Karachi board and graduation from Balochistan University. So, I would have to visit the board offices of these cities and due to Babu culture which is common in most of our government offices, lot of my time would have wasted.

The most convenient way to save time in government offices is to give bribe to the corrupt government servants for doing their duty. I am sure in all three different board offices, I would have been looted again, but that was not enough, there were other places where I would have to go to be looted time and time again like police station and NADRA office. I think everyone knows that our incompetent police do not register an FIR without bribe. Similarly, one cannot get his new NIC from the NADRA office without showing the FIR of the police and more importantly in my city Quetta, NADRA officers are more polite and sympathetic with the illegal afghan refugees as compared to legal citizens. The reason for their hospitality with the illegal immigrants is that for the sake of getting the nationality of Pakistan, afghan refugees pay off the officers and the officers also expect the same thing from legal citizens as well, which means I would have been looted again. So, I had no option other than saying thank you to a criminal for not looting me and saved me from being looted again and again.




Saturday, 1 February 2014

Bijjar! a fruitful tribal practice

Bijjar! a fruitful tribal practice

Bijjar is a balochi word which means cooperation. We all hear on national television about the drawbacks of tribal system by multiple intellectuals. The primary reason why the intellectuals  rail against the tribal system is that they themselves have minimal knowledge about the tribal system. Their Knowledge about tribal system is restricted merely to snags of this system which encompass things like sardari system, exploitation of local masses by feudals, culture of guns, barriers in way of girls schooling. Unquestionably, tribal system does more harms than goods to a society. Yet, there are heterogenous boons of tribal system and one of them is Bijjar.

Bijjar is a antique component of Baloch culture. According to elders, it is 2500 years old and amazingly it is still prevalent in various parts of Balochistan, especially in Jhalwan and Makran regions. In a tribal set-up, just before the marriage of a couple, kith and kins of Bridegroom ask for Bijjar(help) from their tribesmen, to conduct the marriage ceremony. The tribesmen provide Bijjar in the form of animals like goats, sheep, cows, cash and crops. The relatives of Bridegroom who receives this aid will return it to their tribesmen, when they come to collect their Bijjar. For example, suppose a person has given one goat to his tribesmen, he will get it back, when he will go to collect Bijjar. Similarly, if a person gives one camel, he will get it back on his turn.

Bijjar is a great succour for Bride groom. Even, a common men may collect as many as 200 animals, substantial amount of cash and crops and he has to repay this Bijjar in the form of easy installments. For instance, he has to give one or maximum two goats to a family who asks for Bijjar.

With the assistance of his tribe, the Bridegroom will not feel the weight of expenses of marriage.  Moreover, it will help him in starting his new life. Suppose if a bridegroom get 200 animals in his Bijjar, He may slaughter 25 animals for giving a feast to his guests and may keep rest others animals for his own use. The price of one animal may range from 10000Rs to 100000Rs depending upon the size and genre of the  animal. The worth of 175 animals means 20lac to 30lac Rupees which indeed is a very vast amount. Bijjar rescue the bridegroom in commencing his life after marriage.

One more fine aspect of Bijjar is that it is voluntary one may decline, if he dont desire to give Bijjar. Furthermore, impoverished and people of lower strata are exempted from giving Bijjar.

As compared to dowry, Bijjar is totally opposite. The strain of dowry falls on one family, whereas, Bijjar is a contribution of the entire tribe, which may consist of people ranging from 20 thousand to 50 thousand peoples. Ironically, in urban areas, the onus of imparting dowry is on the shoulder of the family of bride. This is so unjust, a person who is his giving his child to someone to marry, he also has to give dowry besides giving her daughter, whom he has nurtured for 20 years. On the other hand, in tribal setup, parents of bride are exempted from paying dowry. Further, the family of bridegroom is responsible for providing all sorts of help to the parents of bride for conducting the marriage of their daughter.

Dowry is a evil social practice and it is not originally a part of our culture. It is a Hindu Culture, fortunately during the reign of Mughal Emperor Akbar, multitude of evil social practices like satti, ban on remarriage of widows were abolished but this wicked custom of dowry was not obliterated and it is a chief stumbling block in the path of girls marriage. The families of poor girls cannot afford to give huge dowries demanded by boys families.

In my opinion people of cities are very unlucky by not having a beneficial tradition like Bijjar and a sole family has to bear the burden of marriage. Infact, many loose their age long saving for the sake of marriage. By comparing Bijjar with Dowry, even a layman can assume that the custom of Bijjar is far more logical, rationale and honorable than dowry.

There is no doubt that tribal system is outdated and it is impractical in today modern world, but still it contain various handy traits like Bijjar which should not be extinguish as it provide great relief to the couple in their marriage and life after their marriage. The other extraneous things which harms the society like dowry should be eliminated immediately.


Thursday, 16 January 2014

Private channels talk shows and ethics of journalism

The year 2002 was a eventful year in the history of electronic media. During the Musharraf long regime of nine years many private channels were launched. Before the emergence of Private channels, there was only one government owned PTV channel which only favored the, who  so reigning government and eventually lost its credibility among the masses. The first popular private channel was GEO and after GEO numerous other private channels also came into existence.

 Undoubtedly, the news coverage of private channels was much better than the PTV. But now there are fathomless private channels in Pakistan and unhealthy competition has developed among the private channels for ratings. To ameliorate, the rating of their channels, the management and employees of private channels can go to any extent. Although,  competition is not a bad thing, but in the rivalry of private channels, the ethics of journalism are being badly transgressed. Indeed, the language used in TV talk shows of all private channels is vulgar and non-journalitic .Even the senior anchorpersons themselves use abusive language and when politicians get embroil in dog fight and use derogatory words against one another, the anchors play the role of silent spectators and never interrupt in the argument of their guests.

The prime reason why the anchors don’t muddle in war of words of representative of political parties is that they just want to make their program sensational and earn more ratings than the host of other channels. Due to the cheap competition, anchorpersons have forgotten their prime responsibility that is to impart knowledge and awareness to the general hoi polloi.

In the program of Express News which is one of the leading Tv channel of the country Talal Bugti, head of Jamhori watan party and Barrister Saif ur Rehaman of (MQM) used abusive language against each other and the host Mr. Kamran Shahid remained mum and permit them to use bazaari words against each other  which is indeed very pathetic. In another instance, Firdous Ashaq Awan abused Kashmala Tariq on live Tv program and the outcome was the same, Javed Chaudhry like his co-journalist, Kamran Shahid didn’t breath a word. In the program of Dr.Shahid Masood, a veteran journalist, Marvi Sarmad (a freelance journalist) and Zaid Hamid ( Defence analyst) used extremely harsh and unethical word against each other and the program like the most of our Tv talk shows ended without a conclusion. It seemed that both these intellectual were brought to the program solely to expose each other and not convey intellectual messages and a senior journalist like Dr. Shahid Masood instead of pacifying them added oil to fire which was appalling. Hassan Nisar, who is considered a think tank in Pakistani media abused Mushaid ullah Khan of PML(N) and a senior politician like Mushaid ullah Khans instead of ignoring Hassan Nisar retaliated with even worse utterance. It is said that when you come across nonsense ignore it with dignity, but tolerance seems like a extinct word in our society.

 The above mentioned journalist like Dr.Shahid Masood, Hassan Nisar and Javed Chaudhry are considered as opinion leader, one who can form, mould and change public opinions. The common people, owing to their limited knowledge can’t form a opinion of their own and they bank on these opinion leaders to form a opinion. But one may wonder what sort of opinion the people will form after watching the talk shows of these opinion leaders.

Fights and pejorative language has become a daily routine in the talk shows. But now, I think enough is enough and this nonsense has to be curbed. The objective of talk shows should be to inform and generate awareness among the masses not to earn ratings. If the anchorpersons don’t have the capacity to impart knowledge to the people than they should only abide the ethics of journalism. Its time for Pemra to inculcate the anchorpersons the ethics of journalism and take stringent measures against those who contravene it.